Moustalevria (grape must pudding) of Rethymno
For every 6 cups of cleaned must:
1 cup flour
½ cup grated walnuts
½ cup sesame roasted and slightly grated
2-3 cinnamon sticks about 5cm
2-3 leaves apple geranium (optional)
To garnish:
Crushed walnuts
Cinnamon powder
Moustalevria (grape must pudding) of Rethymno
Set aside enough flour to dissolve the must. Boil the cinnamon sticks and apple geranium tied in a bunch. Dissolve the flour in the must. Right before boiling point, seive the flour mixture so there are no lumps and stir with wooden spoon. Wash the sieve so all the mixture drops into the pot.
Moustalevria (grape must pudding) of Rethymno
Remove from heat and serve in bowls or plates. On top, sprinke crushed walnuts, sesame and a touch of cinammon powder.