The lukum may be considered to be a Turkish-origin sweet (aka Turkish delight), however, there are regions in Greece that are famous for its production. Syros , Komotini and Serres are some of the areas known for producing these cubic sweet bites that create this wonderful chewy sensation on the palate.
In Syros the Turkish delight arrived from Constantinople in the early 19th century by refugees from Chios Island, who added the famous mastic to the confectionery. It is said that what gives the Syrian lukum its unique flavor is the brackish water of the island along with the years of experience following the art of making the delicacies. In Komotini, the sutzuk lukum, (sutzuk is a sausage), stands out for the way in which the nuts are placed on the inside and for the shape of the lukum (like a large sausage). In Serres, on the other hand, we find akanes, another variant of the well-known Turkish delight, is made with butter and requires a special technique in baking and boiling. Today, technology has given confectioners the means for the easier production of this particular sweet. It used to take hours of shuffling and paying attention to how the mixture (water, sugar, starch and aroma) was treated properly in boiling and baking, but now artisans can experiment different techniques and flavors and suggest new flavors, beyond traditional such as rose and mastic.
Traditionally, this Turkish delight is always present in Greek culture. From a simple visit, to weddings and funerals, lukum is served to accompany and sweeten our daily lives, our joy or our sorrow.