Minos’ sweet (wheat with produce from Psiloriti)
1kg wheat
Scented geranium leaves
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup walnuts, coarsely cut
1 cup dried figs
2 pomegranates
Thyme honey and carob honey
Minos’ sweet (wheat with produce from Psiloriti)
Pour the wheat into a large pot with water and let sit overnight. The following day, boil for three hours with the scented geranium leaves. In a clay bowl put all the ingredients together, the wheat, raisins, walnuts, the dried figs cut in pieces, the pomegranates, the honey, carob honey, sesame seeds and the cinnamon. In order to make “sykomaides” take fresh figs and cut in two (not completely), dry in the sun on wood. After they dry, put them in wooden skewers and momentarily dip them in boiled water to sterilize.
Place them in a baking pan, on bay leaves, sprinkle with molasses, cover them again in bay leaves and bake for about 20 minutes at 130 C. Preserve them in cloth cases with bay leaves inside.
Minos’ sweet (wheat with produce from Psiloriti)
Place them in a baking pan on bay leaves, sprinkle with molasses, cover them again in bay leaves and bake for about 20 minutes at 130 C. Preserve them in cloth cases with bay leaves inside.